Proggio’s Terminology


Hosts multiple Spaces across several domains or geographic locations within an organization. Account management is reserved for Enterprise level subscriptions as they involve more complex project management capabilities.


Includes an array of portfolio management capabilities for a single domain within an organization. Such as, project planning, task management, resource leveling, prioritization, budget and more. The Space is where all portfolio related information is typically managed by a PMO function and utilizes Proggio’s patented technology.


Create internal groups within your Space. Useful when managing workloads that are related to an organic team of individuals, instead of a single person. Usually this is applicable in development teams but can be valuable also to represent departments like a team of designers or content writers. The initial setup for a team is done from a user profile.


A high level view that is generated out of all the created ProjectMap™s within the Space.  Proggio’s default Portfolio view, automatically displays all Project milestones on a timeline according to their location in the individual projects.


Proggio’s revolutionary approach to project management. It is a single project plan, containing a set of Workstreams, Milestones and Activities on a timeline based block diagram.


The best way to understand the concept of Workstreams (WS), is to try and break down the core areas of operation in your project while keeping a high level approach. Each WS should represent an essential component in your project plan. It can be a department in your organization (i.e Operations or Marketing) or an ongoing activity in your project (i.e Testing or Implementation) and also a centralized feature you’re developing for your product.


Activities are the bread and butter of the ProjectMap view. Unlike a traditional GANTT chart which uses all the tasks to show the structure, Proggio’s ProjectMap™ shows only what is relevant to that viewer (Check out the advanced section to learn more on how to customize your ProjectMap™). Proggio uses activities to show the structure of your project, while all the To-Do items are listed as Tasks within the relevant Activity container.


‘To-Do’ items within an Activity. Tasks are displayed in the split screen section at the bottom part of the ProjectMap™ page. Alternatively, double click the Activity Container or the Tasks List Icon to the right of it to view and edit additional task settings.

Project Backlog

This is where you can add tasks to your project as backlog items, without scheduling them on the timeline. As such, they carry no start / end dates and by default are assigned to you, but can be reassigned to anyone in your Space. When time is right, and you need to incorporate these tasks into your project, drag and drop them onto the map and organize it in a way that will make most sense with your project plan. Place them directly on the grid or place them in an existing activity container.


As the name implies, this is a project within a larger master project. Sub project allows you to create a detailed plan for a process or operation on a new ProjectMap™ grid which carries the duration boundaries of the sub project length, which is also the duration of the activity container it is created under. The sub project can be assigned to a specific owner to manage, within the scope of the master project.


A stature of a stakeholder invited into the Space that defines their level of involvement across the Space.


A defined set of criteria to allow the PM to restrict or allow access to specific details within a Space environment across all the involved stakeholders.